Major countries seeking to purchase Iranian weapons

Major countries seeking to purchase Iranian weapons

Major General Mohammad Bagheri made the remarks on Monday at the specialized conference on Sacred Defense [refers to the era of the imposed war by ex-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on Iran (1980–88)] and its role in the national security of Iran and the West Asian region.

“The Sacred Defense provided strength and deterrence for the Iranian nation,” he said, adding that this is a great achievement for Iran.

Bagheri termed the formation of the Resistance front one of the achievements of Sacred Defense.

“When Iran’s Beit-ol-Moqaddas Operation in Imposed War was over, the Israeli regime invaded Lebanon. But the IRGC expanded the foundations of Hezbollah and resistance in Palestine,” he added.

Today, the leaders of the Israeli regime confess that the progress of the Palestinian Resistance and oppressed people has caused them a fundamental problem, and they are talking about their decline, Bagheri noted.

Today, Iran’s ballistic missile power is among the top powers in the world, elsewhere in his remarks he said, adding that this is one of the achievements of the Sacred Defense.

Iran has also become a great drone power that competes with the world’s great powers, he added.

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