Mahmoud Abbas is paying Palestinian terrorists to kill Israelis
As Israel continues the manhunt for the terrorists responsible for the bombing death of a 17-year-old Jewish girl in the West Bank, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas remains committed to conquering Jerusalem and paying the families of Palestinians who murder Israelis.
Speaking at the Jalazone Refugee Camp just days before Rina Schnerb was killed, Abbas called for the destruction of the Jewish state and said one day millions of Palestinian “martyrs” will join with Muslims and Christians to overrun Jerusalem.
“We shall enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters! We shall enter it! All of us, the entire Palestinian people, the entire Arab nation, the Islamic nation, and the Christian nation… They shall all enter Jerusalem,” Abbas said in a video posted to his Facebook page on August 10.
“If they want, they themselves can leave,” he said, referring to the Jews. “Those who are foreign to this land have no right to it. So we say to them: ‘Every stone you have [used] to build on our land, and every house you have built on our land, is bound to be destroyed, Allah willing.'”
Abbas claimed the Palestinians are the ancient Canaanites and rejected the notion that Palestinians who kill Israelis are terrorists.
“They shall recall that this land belongs to its people. This land belongs to the people who live on it. It belongs to the Canaanites, who lived here 5,000 years ago. We are the Canaanites!” he said. “We will not accept their designation of our martyrs as terrorists. Our martyrs are the martyrs of the homeland.”
Abbas also vowed to continue paying Palestinian terrorists and their families.
“We will not allow them to deduct a single penny from their money. All the money will go back to them, because the martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners are the most sacred things we have,” he said.
The Israeli Research group Palestinian Media Watch reported earlier this year that the Palestinian Authority spent at least $136.4 million on pay-to-slay payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018 alone.
That amount only refers to PA payments to terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners. They do not account for the money the PA pays to the families of dead or injured Palestinian terrorists.
Israel’s parliament passed legislation in July 2018 to financially penalize the PA for its terror payments.
“The law that imposes monetary sanctions on the PA because of its payments to terrorists is one of the most important laws passed in Israel in recent years, because it sends a clear message to the Palestinian Authority that Israel will by no means accept its support for terrorism,” PMW director Itamar Marcus told The Jerusalem Post.
The United States has also taken steps to punish the PA for pay-to-slay. US lawmakers passed the Taylor Force Act, which cuts US aid until the PA stops rewarding terrorists and their families.
Source: cbn