London Bridge terrorist walked round school with Osama bin Laden picture in notebook
The London Bridge attacker would parade around high school with a picture of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden stuck on his notebook.
Usman Khan would meet his pals in a local cafe and watch videos of the Twin Towers devastation.
His schoolmates yesterday spoke about his “weird” behaviour which they claim should have been a “red flag” to the authorities.
Police searched his flat in Stafford and officers also went to his parents’ home in Stoke-on-Trent.
Painter and decorator Rhys Miller, 29, who was in the year above Khan at Haywood High School in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, posted on Facebook : “Surprise surprise, look who it is, the guy who walked around school with a picture of Osama bin Laden on the front of his planner and used to sit in the corner of the cafe with about 20 of his mates watching videos of the planes going in to the twin towers! But when anyone spoke up you were told to shut up and not be ‘racist’…blatant red flag.”
“It was a planner you used to have to put on your desk at the beginning of the lesson so you could write notes down. And he’d have a picture of bin Laden and the Twin Towers, a photograph, a printout.”
In a TV interview in 2008, after his home was raided by terror cops, Khan said: “I ain’t no terrorist.”
In 2010, he was arrested along with eight others in a counter-terrorism sting over a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange.
Solicitor Vajahat Sharif, who represented Khan as a teenager, said: “I was very shocked, very upset for the victims and their families and also very upset about what happened to Usman. How did something like this happen?”
Source: Mirror