Life under ISIS: Everyday violence and intimidation against the people of Deir al-Zour
More than 700 days of injustice and darkness for the people of Deir al-Zourin eastern Syria under ISIS. Those 700 days are like 700 years, with no end in sight to the suffering of the people of this city. Since the early days of ISIS’s entry into Deir al-Zour it has deliberately adopted a policy of violence and intimidation against its people because the terror group failed to win and will never earn their trust.
ISIS’s policy of prevention and prohibition is based on fatwas (Islamic edicts), issued according to its priorities and in line with interests of the organization and its militants. After banning education and closing schools,ISIS’s religious leaders issued new fatwas completely banning work in the Syrian regime’s areas and service-providing institutions.
The group even outlawed receiving paychecks from the regime. All employees and workers were banned from going to work in areas of the city under the regime’s control including picking up their salaries from previous months on the pretext that it is forbidden and is contrary to law.
Source: all4syria.info