Letter to the editor: For peace in the Middle East, expel Hamas and Hezbollah
Observe the liberal left’s antisemitic handwringing and wailing over the “genocide” and “atrocities” perpetrated by Israel in Palestine and now Lebanon.
Of course, these same people conveniently forget the 50-plus years of wars and terrorism waged against Israel by its Arab neighbors. Whatever. As usual, they are consumed with agonizing over how to find a “solution” to these conflicts, when the solution is glaringly evident.
If you want to stop the fighting in Palestine, then the Palestinians must expel Hamas. Permanently. If Hamas doesn’t want to leave, then expel them by force and vow to prevent their return.
Dismantle every vestige of Hamas’ physical and political infrastructure. Then, the Palestinians can actually elect a government devoid of any Hamas influence, a government committed to peaceful relations with all of its regional neighbors — a government more concerned with rebuilding a safe and prosperous Palestine than destroying Israel.
Imagine what Palestine would look like now if the billions of dollars they’ve received in aid had been invested in developing a vibrant and successful economy instead of funding terrorist tunnels and rocket launching sites and buying weapons to kill Jews.
Extend the same rationale to Lebanon. You want an end to the fighting in Lebanon? Expel Hezbollah. By force, if necessary. And permanently. Vow to prevent their return. Eschew any Hezbollah political influence. Disavow Hezbollah’s commitment to the destruction of Israel and the expulsion of every Jew from “Arabia.”
Ideally, this solution would also include terminating Iran’s political and financial support. Iran is the principal exporter of antisemitic terrorism not just in the Middle East, but throughout the world. Making Iran a political, economic and military pariah would do much to lessen the tensions in the region. Simplistic? Apply Occam’s razor, (popularly) “The simplest explanation (solution) is usually the best one.” Too easy!
Source » bozemandailychronicle.com