Lebanon: Geagea Says Axis of the Resistance is ‘Criminal’
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea described Hezbollah and its allies as being a “criminal gang”, stating that their “alleged” calls for dialogue are only a way to “strangle, kill, and force you to do what they please”.
“The axis of the resistance (Hezbollah and allies) obstruct the presidential elections only because they are incapable of bringing their own candidate to the post, and also accept no other”, said Geagea whose remarks came on Sunday during the annual ceremony commemorating the “Martyrs of the Lebanese Resistance”.
He spoke of “serious attempts to change everything in our lives and country to match the specifications of countries of “axis of the resistance” starting with Syria and Iran. Meanwhile we support Lebanon that seeks to have the best relations with Gulf and Arab countries in order for Lebanon to face Syria’s Assad and Iran.”
The LF leader lamented the enormous deterioration that the country has gone through under the impact of the ‘axis of the resistance’.
“The axis of the resistance in Lebanon behaves of its own will,” without any respect for the law, constitution or the will of the Lebanese, he said.
Under its influence, Lebanon has turned from a country famous for its culture, advancement and dignity to a country of backwardness, crime, drug trafficking, hunger and poverty, lamented Geagea.
“The big problem lies in the way they (Hezbollah) force in their own project by assassinations and using all the twisted manners that no human mind can imagine,” added Geagea.
Referring to Hezbollah leaders who he said always preach about “integrity”, he said “those same figures have supported corruption groups in the past decade in order to get major portfolios in ministries of services which have cost the state tens of billions of dollars, and obstructed the formation of a cabinet in order to garner the ministries of energy and labor for their own allies”.
Criticizing his Christian rival and Hezbollah ally, the Free Patriotic Movement, without naming the party, Geagea said: “Despite the practices of the axis of the resistance, we continue to find some sides adamant to break deals with (Hezbollah)…” in order to reach authority positions, mainly the post of President.
He added that the FPM is eager to bring its own candidate to the post of president stretching off to the limit of obstructing the election process in the absence of guarantees that an FPM candidate is definite to win.
Source » aawsat.com