Registered on the same address as, Foundation Wakef and CCML.
Established by Mohamed Karmous in January 1997. He left the administration in 2007, to be replaced by Adel Majari (President) and Taher Jouili (Treasurer), who resigned in 2014. The League is now headed by Sulaiman Abdul-Qadir, Naceur Ghomraci (Treasurer), Mansour ben Yahya (president). [source]
It is financed by member contributions. Their numbers encompass 10 volunteer members, 120 active members, and 500 other members. Funding comes from member contributions.
The first annual budget for the organization in Switzerland stood at around $1 million, in dollar and Swiss franc accounts.
The league’s headquarters moved from Neuchatel in 2008 to Avenue de Confrerie 11, Prilly 1008, c/o Muslim Community Center Lausanne (LMAC).
LMS is a member organization of FIOE.
In 2007 the LMS invited to its congress on Muslim integration Saudi Sheikh Salman Fahd al-Awda. The guest defended the holy war in Iraq and legitimized suicide attacks against “infidels”. He also referred to bin Laden as “Brother.” Bern refuses visa al-Awda. [source]
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