Kyrgyzstani man cleared of terror plotting charges in Sweden

Kyrgyzstani man cleared of terror plotting charges in Sweden

Court in Sweden acquitted citizen of Kyrgyzstan Atabek Abdullayev earlier suspected of terror plotting.

A 39-year-old Atabek is from Naiman village of Osh region. He left his country for Russia to work and then flew to Sweden from Russia in 2017.

The Swedish authorities detained 6 Central Asians in the spring of 2018 suspecting them of plotting “a major terrorist attack.” Investigation was conducted for almost eight months. All six detainees denied any wrongdoing. The suspects were identified in court documents as Uzbek nationals Akromion Ergashev, Bakhtior Umarov, Gulom Tadjiyev, Shoahmad Mahmudov, and David Idrisson. The Kyrgyz suspect was identified as Atabek Abdullayev.

Abdullayev, Idrisson, and Umarov were accused of acquiring chemicals and other equipment, including bayonets and radio headsets, with the intent of “killing and harming other people,” the charge sheet read.

46-year-old Uzbek native David Idrisson was sentenced to 7 years in prison for plotting terror act on behalf of ISIS. Others received 4-6 months of prison for terrorism financing.

Source: Aki Press