Kosovo hacker assembled Daesh kill list with data on 1,351 US Officials
In August 2015 an online retailer based in Illinois contacted the FBI, claiming that a hacker had breached the company’s system and was demanding a ransom of two bitcoins, or roughly $500. Such reports are not unusual, with cyber ransom becoming something of a cottage industry.
Investigators found, however, that the ransom demand was only a cover. The hacker had actually spent the previous two months scanning the company’s files for.gov and.mil email addresses, compiling a list for Daesh, also known as IS/Islamic State.
The investigation revealed that the company would not have known about the intrusion if not for the ransom demand.
With the stolen data, the terrorist group compiled a 30-page kill list containing the names of roughly 1,350 US government personnel. A link to the list was tweeted by Junaid Hussain, a self-proclaimed Daesh cyber army leader, last August.
The theft was revealed in US federal court records, obtained by McClatchy. Identified as Kosovo-born Ardit Ferizi, the hacker traveled to Malaysia to get better bandwidth access to carry out his exploits.
From Singapore, Ferezi was extradited to the US, where he signed a plea agreement in which he admitted to hacking and providing material support to terrorists.
Source: /Sputnik