LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Katerji Group


The Katerji Group website, which is registered by an I.P. address in Texas, is under construction.

The name of the company seems to merely be a trade name and not a legal entity. A company named Katerji Group LTD was not located in databases, in press publications, or in official documents.

The only place where the company name appears in this way is on its website and when listed by employees on their social media accounts. A small number of individuals and members of the Katerji family list the Katerji Group as their employer on Facebook and Linkedin, corroborating the existence of his network beyond the Arabic media articles on which this report mainly relies.

The website was last operational in September 2016, which is just a month after Katerji’s illicit oil activity was first revealed by the Arabic media. When the website was last operational, it provided the phone number for Katerji’s office in Syrian Parliament.

In light of Katerji’s illicit activity and in the absence of organized Syrian business registries, only one company, B.S. Company Offshore, has linked to Katerji Group.

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