Kanaani: Iran’s IRGC prevented ISIS from infiltrating West

Kanaani: Iran’s IRGC prevented ISIS from infiltrating West

If not for the sacrifices of the IRGC and its counter-terrorism advisers in the region, ISIL terrorism would have “infiltrated from the backdoor of the European Parliament,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said, Mehr reported.

According to Kanaani, Iran is a key partner in fighting terrorism and ensuring peace and stability in the world.

In this way, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman commented on the new sanctions imposed on Iranian individuals and entities by the United States, Britain, and Canada, as well as on the anti-Iran communique issued by the European Union.

He also criticized the EU for its silence on the Israeli attack on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Syria, which triggered Iran’s military response.

Kanaani condemned calls by the EU parliament to blacklist Iran’s elite armed forces, the IRGC, saying that the sacrifices made by members of these forces are “a key element in preventing the infiltration of terrorism into the Western world.”

Source » news.am