Turkish justice releases one more ISIS terrorist group member
The latest hearing for the case of ISIS member Nabil Fadli, who carried out a suicide bombing in Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Square on January 12, 2016 killing 12 tourists, was held in the Istanbul High Criminal Court No.14 today.
The prisons were petitioned but “were not able to send” suspects on remand Abdulrahman Faaiz Rashid Rashid, Atala El Hasan El Mayyuf, Fevzi Muhammed Ali, Halil Derviş and Mohammed Khalid Hawasli. Their lawyers attended the hearing in the suspects’ steads. Lawyers of the suspects on remand spoke in the hearing and demanded the release and acquittal of their clients.
The panel of judges ruled to release suspect Mohammed Khaled Hawasli on the grounds of a lack of probability for the characteristics of the crime and the evidence to change, and the time he spent in prison already. A travel ban was issued for suspect Hawasli.
The court rejected the appeals for release by the other 4 suspects, taking into consideration the state of the evidence and the content of the accusations. The court also ruled to delay the execution of the arrest warrant for suspects Rasheed Alabdalah Alagaagan, Mohamed Beraa Taskeia, Luay Taskıah and Ahmet El Hasan.
The hearing was then postponed.
Source: ANF