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LLL - GFATF - Jihane Makhzoumi

Jihane Makhzoumi


Born: 1981;

Place of Birth: Villefontaine Town, region of Rhone-Alpes;

Gender: Female;

Nationality: Morrocan-French;

General Info:
Jihane Makhzoumi is a French mother from Moroccan origin, who took her three children to Syria to join the Islamic State jihadist group in 2014 was sentenced to 14 years in jail in Paris.

Makhzoumi left France with her partner Eddy Leroux – another IS convert believed to have been killed in Syria – her three young children and a fourth child, the daughter of Leroux.

In August 2014, the 38-year-old Moroccan woman traveled from France to Syria with her husband, Eddy Leroux, to support the ISIS cause.

She was arrested at a Paris airport when she returned along with her three children in 2016 – Leroux’s daughter having apparently been left behind in Syria.

Neither Makhzoumi or Leroux informed their former spouses of the decision to take the children to Syria. Leroux told his ex-wife that he was taking their daughter to Morocco.

Still in Syria is an 8-year-old girl named Jana, the daughter of Leroux and his first wife, Ilham Tarbouni.

Jana’s mother firmly believes that Makhzoumi knows where the girl is and that she intentionally left Jana in Syria.

In June 2015, Makhzoumi told her ex-husband through WhatsApp that she had helped someone in Syria take a child who was not hers. Investigators believe she is referring to Jana in this message.

In September 2016, shortly before she returned to France, Makhzoumi sent her ex-husband a WhatsApp message stating that “her father (Leroux) wanted her (Jana) to stay. It is the will of her father.”

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