Jihadists will be stripped of their German citizenship under new rules by the German government
German citizens with dual nationality who fight for a terror group should be stripped of their German citizenship, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said on Thursday although a full Burka ban was omitted from the proposed regulations.
‘Germans who participate in fighting abroad for a terror militia and who have another citizenship, should lose their German nationality,’ de Maiziere said, announcing a slew of new anti-terror measures after two attacks in July were claimed by the Islamic State.
De Maiziere’s list of proposals aimed at beefing up security in Germany following a recent string of attacks also included making “promoting terrorism” a criminal offense, and considering further reinforcements for security forces.
In addition, Germany will consider joining other countries in screening the public social media profiles of people being admitted to the country under humanitarian resettlement programs. And de Maiziere wants to strengthen German authorities’ ability to probe the darknet, an area of cyberspace invisible on the open internet.
The minister proposed making it easier to take foreigners who have committed crimes or otherwise are deemed to be dangerous into pre-deportation custody, making “endangering public security” a ground for jailing them. That’s meant to make it easier to ensure people who are obliged to leave the country actually do so.
Under the new set of laws people as young as 14 years old can be investigated by police for links to terror groups.
The proposed bill, that could be passed the legislature in the next parliamentary session, also says medical practitioners will have to alert police if they think a patient is about to commit a crime.
The attackers in Ansbach and Munich attacks had received psychiatric treatment in the past.
‘My proposals are limited to the points that can lead to more security rapidly,’ the minister said. ‘Other points will be discussed by the parties. We need a workable consensus in the coalition,’ de Maiziere continued.
However parts of the bill has drawn ire from the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) who strongly oppose the ban on dual citizenship and doctors alike.
The head of the German Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, said the ‘tense domestic security situation’ shouldn’t mean the government makes ‘rash political and legal measures.’
‘Patient confidentiality protects patients’ privacy and is a basic right under the constitution,’ Montgomery said.
De Maiziere said the government will discuss with doctors ways to “minimize dangers to citizens as far as possible” but stressed that patient confidentiality rules will be upheld.
The minister is expected to gain widespread support for his proposal to create 15,000 more police posts nationwide, improving police weapons and adding new equipment to security forces’ arsenal.
The full burka, or veil, will not receive an outright ban despite reports circling in Germany on Wednesday that claimed it would be part of the crackdown. However it will remain banned in football stadia across the country.
Source: Daily Mail