LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Jaber Sayyed Dagher al-Musawi


Terror organization: The Badr Organization (part of PMF).

Status: Badr brigade’s current field commander and head of PMF security in Basra.

Role: The PMF Central Security Directorate in Basra is headed by Jaber Sayyed Dagher al-Musawi, a senior official in the Badr Organization who also commands the PMF’s 7 th Brigade (Liwa al-Muntadher) and the PMF Marine/Naval Forces.

His father, Sayyed Dagher Jassim Kazim Al-Moussawi (dead put X), was the founder of the 7 th brigade, and in kept in close ties with Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al- Muhandis.

Location: Iraq.

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