Italians train the Peshmerga to stop resurgence of ISIS

Italians train the Peshmerga to stop resurgence of ISIS

The Iraqi and Kurdish flag flutter with the red, white and green Italian tricolour and the profile of an ancient Roman helmet in the background at Camp Singara, the Italian military base from where training activities for the Kurdish Peshmerga force have been coordinated for 10 yeares. It is a symbol of operation ‘I Parthica’ named after the legion created by Emperor Septimius Severus and an emblem of the unity of these peoples in the fight against Islamic terrorism This effort started as part of the international coalition against ISIS and has made it possible to train many thousands of soldiers. The camp at Erbil airport hosts around 300 Italian troops who train Peshmerga soldiers at the request of the government of the Kurdish Region in the north of Iraq. Among other things, they are trained in marksmanship and both urban and mountain combat. “ISIS was defeated in 2017 but there are still pockets of resistance in Iraqi territory,” said Colonel Francesco Serafini, the commander of the operation. “Our training for the Peshmerga, therefore, is fundamental so that they can increase their ability to avert a possible return of ISIS. “Furthermore, the mission includes training by the Carabinieri for the Iraqi Federal Police in Baghdad. “In 2023 alone, we trained approximately 3,000 officers”. (ANSA).

Source » msn