Israeli Intelligence tips led to foiling of Hezbollah plots
A recent media expose revealed how Mossad tips led to the foiling of Hezbollah plots around the world. Earlier this week, an article from the U.K. outlet The Telegraph explained how several years ago, a warning from Israeli intelligence prevented a massive attack in the heart of London, planned by the Iranian-backed Lebonese terror group Hezbollah.
Back in 2015, Hezbollah agents reportedly stashed thousands of disposable ice packs containing ammonium nitrate — a common ingredient in homemade explosive— with the clear intention of building a large bomb.
As a result of the warning by their Israeli counterparts, British authorities raided four properties in northwest London. In all, three metric tons of ammonium nitrate was discovered—more than was used in the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people and damaged hundreds of buildings.
This is not the first foiled attempt by Iran to attack European targets in recent memory. Last year, reports came to light showing that Israeli agents were instrumental in capturing two Iranian suspects that had planned an attack on the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) summit in late June. In the past four years alone, Mossad tips led to the foiling of Hezbollah plots in Thailand, Cyprus, New York, and London.
Thankfully, at least some in the European media are taking the recent revelations for what they should be: A warning that the continent has not faced up to the threat of Hezbollah, and by extension, the broader danger of state-backed terror emanating from Tehran.
Source: Ops Lens