Israeli forces foil Hamas kidnapping plot near Jericho

Israeli forces foil Hamas kidnapping plot near Jericho

Israeli security forces on Monday thwarted a kidnapping plot by a Hamas terror cell from the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp near Jericho in the West Bank.

Authorities arrested Mohammad Tariq, 19, and Amin Kattash, 20. Palestinian security forces detained another cell member. According to their interrogation, the suspects had acquired weapons, recruited operatives and planned to kidnap Israelis. They also intended to carry out shooting and bombing attacks against Israeli forces.

Investigators discovered that the cell had dug a pit to hide the hostages, with the entrance camouflaged near the home of one of the cell members. During the investigation, authorities seized a Carlo submachine gun, an explosive device, a vest, communication devices and military uniforms.

Last week, indictments were filed in a military court charging the suspects with serious security offenses, including conspiracy to commit assault with a deadly weapon, conspiracy to commit kidnapping and providing material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

On Sunday, the Shin Bet internal security agency announced that it thwarted a terrorist plot by a cell composed of students from the Birzeit University north of Ramallah, directed by Hamas in Turkey. “The cell members planned to carry out a significant attack,” according to the Shin Bet statement.

The students were affiliated with the Hamas cell at the institution, known as Kutla Islamiya. The Shin Bet investigation revealed that they were engaged in “practical preparations for a significant attack and a series of activities to transfer Hamas funds to operatives in the field, all under the guidance of senior Hamas officials in Turkey.”

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