Islamic State terrorist attack US bases and Iraqi army in Iraq
The ISIS sees itself strengthened by the Turkish attacks in Northern Syria and has gone into action with the beginning of the uprisings in Iraq. In Mosul, Kirkuk, Anbar, Tal Afar, Tikrit in Iraq as well as in Khanaqin, Kifri, Kelar, Xurmatu, Diyala and Jalawla regions of South Kurdistan, the terrorist group carried out attacks on Peshmerga and the Asayish (Security) forces.
Having attacked the Iraqi military forces in Jalawla and the Asayish forces in Gullajo town of Kifri the day before, ISIS groups have attacked the peshmerga forces stationed on the border of the Gullajo town last night. The attack which targeted the 3rd Peshmerga Infantry Brigade at 9 p.m killed three peshmerga fighters and wounded two others. The Ministry of Peshmerga has also confirmed the attack.
The night before, ISIS attacked a base of the US in the Anbar province with missiles. While five rockets hit the Ain-al-Asad base, no damages or losses were reported.
Last night, two Katyusha missiles landed in the Balad Air Base in the Salahaddin province which hosts US forces. No casualties have been reported in the attack against the air base.
Source: ANF