Islamic State style obvious in the latest terrorist attack in Kabul

Islamic State style obvious in the latest terrorist attack in Kabul

Russia believes that the terror attacks outside Kabul’s’ airport were evidently in the style of Islamic State, Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Anna Evstigneeva said at a UN Security Council session on Thursday.

The diplomat offered her condolences over the loss of life in “the horrendous terror attacks in Kabul.”

“The ISIL (the former name of Islamic State – TASS) is obvious,” she said.

On Thursday, two explosions, which appeared to be from suicide bombings, occurred outside Kabul airport. According to media updates, at least 60 people were killed, including 12 US service members. The radical Taliban movement (banned in Russia), which has seized power in Afghanistan, lambasted the attacks and promised to hold the perpetrators accountable.

On February 14, 2003, Russia’s Supreme Court handed down a ruling declaring the Taliban to be a terrorist organization, which is outlawed in Russia. On December 29, 2014, the Supreme Court ruled to declare the Islamic State (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant before 2014, or ISIL) a terrorist organization. It is also banned in Russia.

Source: TASS