Islamic State cells in the early hours have attacked houses and condolences marquee in west Deir Ezzor
SOHR activists have reported that ISIS cells in the early hours of Monday have attacked houses and condolences marquee for al-Ades family “al-Hamish-al-Aziz” in Fanigol village in Abu Khashab desert in west Deir Ezzor.
The militants have killed a man from al-Ades after tying him and video tape the operation.
According to SOHR activits in the region, the family houses have been attacked by ISIS belong to “M.A”, chairman of the agriculture committee of SDF Council, “N.A.” chairman of public relations of Deir Ezzor Civil Council, “M.A.”, member of the regime parliament and responsible for smuggling as well as storming house of SDF member. Most of the attacked people are belonging to al-Obydat Tribe.
After the attack, the SDF has brought in military reinforcement backed by International Coalition helicopters to al-Homah neighborhood near Fangeel village under control of Abou Khasahb desert in west of Deir Ezzor and clashed with ISIS till the early hours of Monday, while tensions still prevail the region and voices of shooting are heard from time to time.
Earlier in the day, SOHR activists reported new air drop-off by the International Coalition with participation of the SDF in ground in the early hours of Monday. The raid had targeted a house in al-Sobha village in east Deir Ezzor village.
According to SOHR activists in the region, a man was killed by fire of the International Coalition forces during his attempt of escaping his house while his brother, a former weapons merchant and his wife were arrested on charges of belonging and dealing with ISIS.
Source: SOHR