Islamic State and Taliban suicide bombers strike in Kabul
Suicide bombers from the Islamic State and the Taliban struck in the Afghan capital of Kabul. Eleven people were killed and dozens more were wounded in the bombings.
The Islamic State took credit for a complex attack that killed 11 people. First the Islamic State detonated a magnetic mine on a bus that was carrying employees from the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, killing eight people, including five women and one child, TOLONews reported. Then, a suicide bomber detonated near by as first responders were gathering.
The Taliban claimed the suicide attack that wounded 17 Afghans. In a statement released on Voice of Jihad, the Taliban’s official website, the group said “Muhammad Kabuli” attacked “2 enemy Land Cruiser SUVs” and “killed 9 senior foreign invaders.” There are no reports of deaths in the Taliban attack. The Taliban routinely exaggerates the effects of its suicide attacks.
The Taliban has now executed seven high profile suicide attacks in Afghanistan since July 1. Additionally, there are two other attacks that have gone unclaimed.
Given that the Islamic State quickly claimed credit for today’s attack, the probability that the Taliban carried out the July 19 suicide bombings that killed 10 civilians at Kabul University and five civilians at a wedding in Nangarhar has increased significantly. The Islamic State is quick to claim credit for its operations, while the Taliban distances itself from attacks that solely target civilians.
Source: LWJ