Islamic State fully recaptures the city of Albukamal east of Syria
The self-proclaimed Islamic State group (Daesh) has fully recaptured the border city of Albukamal (Abu Kamal), east of Syria, after fierce battles with the Syrian regime forces that retook the city last Thursday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Sunday.
The Syrian Observatory for human Rights revealed that the clashes are escalating in Albukamal, one of the most important strongholds for jihadists in Syria, while added that the Islamic State militants managed to recapture the area, late on Saturday.
Meanwhile, Iraqi forces launched an extensive offensive on the last stronghold of the Islamic State in the western desert, on the borders with Syria, the SOHR explained.
Ramy Abdel Rahman, Director of SOHR, said that the Islamic State group imposed its full control on the city of Albukamal, after setting a number of ambushes and launching several attacks using car bombs and IEDs, while the Syrian regime forces and allied militias stationed in the vicinity of the city, nearly one or two kilometers away from the outskirts of the city.
The city of Albukamal is a Syrian City located on the borders with Iraq, while it is considered the last prominent stronghold of the Islamic State (also known as Daesh) in the Syrian territory.
It is noteworthy that the Syrian army announced, last Thursday, fully recapturing the city of Albukamal from the Islamic State grip, while the terrorist group launched a counter attack, on Friday, and recaptured about half of the city.
On Saturday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights revealed that the Islamic State jihadists have recaptured the city of Albukamal completely.
Source: Iraqi News