Islamic State members divided sex slaves into attractive and unattractive
Subjecting women from the Iraqi Yazidi minority to sexual slavery, Islamic State militants would separate attractive women from less attractive ones, a survivor has said in an interview.
Dubai-based Al Arabiya network interviewed Bivrin (an approximate spelling of the name mentioned in the Arabic report) whose family was taken by IS militants to Mosul from their home village of Kojo. She gave just another firsthand account of forced marriages and sexual slavery the religious minority had endured since the emergence of the extremist group in 2014.
When she and her elder fell into IS captivity, Bivrin was sent to a house in Mosul used as a females’ detention facility for being “not beautiful” as she heard her captors saying, while her more attractive sister was sent to Raqqa, the group’s base in Syria.
At one day, a fellow hostage was beaten, humiliated by the militants to force her to take a bath and put on skimpy clothes, which she resisted and committed suicide by cutting her own veins.
“We never saw her body, the militants had tane her away and never knew where she ended up to,” Bivrin said in the video of the interview.
“I once saw a (IS) member take four sisters (to be his pleasure subjects),” Bivrin told the interviewer.
The United Nations has recently urged Iraq to ensure protection for victims of Islamic State sexual slavery.
“Women and girls under the control of ISIL, in particular women from the Yezidi and other minority communities, have been especially vulnerable to abuses of human rights and violation of international humanitarian law,” the report by the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) and the UN Human Rights Office said last week. It said victims had been subjected to rape and sexual assault, forced displacement, abduction, deprivation of liberty, slavery, forced religious conversion, and cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.
A statistic released by the Kurdistan Region Government’s Endowments and Religious Affairs Ministry said Islamic State’s massacres of Yazidis forced nearly 360.000 of the religious minority to flee their areas, with 90.000 of those heading abroad.
IS kidnapped 6417 Yazidis since 2014, the report added. Those include 1102 women and 1655 children, the statistics showed.
The calamity rendered 2645 kids parentless, including 220 whose parents are still under IS captivity, the ministry revealed.
Authorities ran into 43 mass graves of Yazidi victims slaughtered by IS, according to the statistic.
Source: Iraqi News