Islami State claim responsibility for a terrorist attack in Sabhaa
An armed group carried out an attack, on Saturday morning, on a training centre in the city of Sabha. The attack killed 8 soldiers when the group broke into the centre.
Reacting to the terrorist attack, the Presidential Council (PC) of the Government of National Accord (GNA) condemned, on Saturday, the attack. The PC stated that the commander of the Dignity Operation, General Khalifa Haftar, is responsible for the return of the activities of Daesh in Libya.
The PC stressed, in its statement, that Haftar’s forces had left the southern side of Libya in chaos after pretending that their target was to defeat terrorism in south Libya. The PC added that Haftar is doing the same crime in his offensive attack on Tripoli.
The PC said that if the International Community keeps silent towards Haftar’s war crimes, it would be considered as a participant in enlarging and expanding the terrorist groups in Libya.
In the same context, the State Council also condemned the terrorist attack.
The State Council stated that Haftar’s ambitions to become the ruler of Libya are the reason for the failure of securing the south. It added that Haftar’s attack on Tripoli had caused a big security vacuum and helped the terrorist elements to spread itself out in Libya again.
The Interior Ministry of the GNA expressed its deep concern for the attack, stressing that it would keep fighting the terrorist groups. The ministry stated that the efforts of fighting terrorism were going well before Haftar’s attack on Tripoli.
From its side, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) condemned the terrorist attack on Sabha, which was claimed by Daesh. The UNSMIL called for bringing the perpetrators, organisers, financiers, and sponsors of terrorist activities to justice.
Source: Libya Prospect