ISIS threat in France: Lifeguards possibly to carry guns on busy beaches this summer
Specialist police lifeguards will have the authorization to carry arms during their patrols of French beaches this summer, according to local media.
The French authorities have given the lifeguards of the Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS) the right to carry weapons, after the double-murder of a French police commander and his partner at their home near Paris earlier this month.
Larossi Abballa, the Islamic State (Isis)-inspired killer, stabbed 42-year-old Jean-Baptiste Salvaing to death in front of his wife and their three-year-old son outside their home in Magnanville.
Abballa streamed his attack live on Facebook. French President Francois Hollande said the attack was “unquestionably a terrorist act”.
This has led to officers in charge of first-aid centres and their replacements – who monitor some of the nation’s busiest beaches – being given the right to carry guns in ‘trunk holster’ cases specially adapted to the swimwear worn by CRS officers.