ISIS’s families transferred to Ankara-controlled areas in Northern Aleppo

ISIS’s families transferred to Ankara-controlled areas in Northern Aleppo

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the ISIL terrorists’ families stationed in the SDF-controlled al-Hawl Camp in Southeastern Hasaka have been transferred to Ankara-controlled regions of Northern Aleppo after receiving large amount of money from them.

The price set for the transfer of each foreign ISIL family is at least $5,000 and the same amount for the families of ISIL’s Syrian terrorists is between $500 to $2500.

The SOHR also said that at least 50 children have been killed as a result of deteriorating conditions of al-Hawl Camp and acute shortage of foodstuff and medicine there.

Meantime, the number of the children who have died in al-Hawl Camp has exceeded 358 since June.

In a relevant development earlier in July, tensions increased between the popular forces supported by Damascus and the US-backed Kurds in Hasaka province after the latter’s provocative acts against Damascus.

The Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper quoted dissident sources as saying on Thursday that the SDF had kidnapped a number of National Defense Forces (NDF) affiliated to the Syrian army in the town of Qamishli.

They added that the Kurds refrained from releasing the abducted forces, noting that the NDF had detained 4 Kurdish fighters in response.

Al-Watan reported that several roads have been closed and snipers have been deployed in the region after tensions increased between the two sides, adding that the SDF has warned that it will abduct the family members of the NDF forces in Qamishli if its forces are not freed by the army.

It added that the SDF has occupied the buildings of a state power generation company in al-Nashweh district in the Southern parts of Hasaka in the past two days.

The SDF also detained a reporter of a Syrian news channel in Qamishli a few days ago accusing him of collaboration in the start of the recent unrests in the region.

Hasaka and Deir Ezzur provinces in Eastern Syria have been the scenes of large-scale protests in recent months concurrent with intensified tensions in SDF-controlled areas.

In a relevant development in late June, the SDF had increased economic pressures on the residents of the city of al-Tabaqa in Western Raqqa in a bid to suppress the Syrian citizens after they staged a popular uprising there.

Baladi news website quoted local sources in al-Tabaqa as saying that the city’s residents were under immense economic pressures so that although tens of tons of flour has been stockpiled in the city’s warehouses, the economy committee affiliated to the SDF blocks its distribution among residents.

They said that the “residents of al-Tabaqa are living in critical conditions”, adding that after the recent popular uprising there the SDF is trying to increase economic pressures on people in an economic war.

The popular uprisings against the US-backed SDF have increased and they have taken serious economic measures against the civilians.

Also in late June, the SDF sent a new military convoy to Deir Ezzur in Eastern Syria from Hasaka to suppress the popular uprisings there as people’s protests against the SDF have increased, sources said.

Local sources in Deir Ezzur reported that the residents of the city of al-Basireh in Deir Ezzur held a public strike against the SDF’s mistreatment of the people in Deir Ezzur.

The sources noted that the popular uprisings in Deir Ezzur heightened after the SDF conducted an armed robbery by using military vehicles.

The SDF sent a military convoy comprising 20 military vehicles and so-called anti-riot forces to crush the people in al-Basireh city.

In late May, the SDF were killing and injuring residents of al-Hawl Refugee Camp in Southeastern Hasaka as they were trying to flee the camp due to unfavorable humanitarian and hygienic conditions, media activists said.

The activists in Hasaka province said that the SDF has opened fire at a group of women and children who were attempting to abandon Hasaka’s al-Hawl Refugee Camp.

They pointed to the death and injury of a number of civilians by SDF, and said that several residents of al-Hawl Camp have been incarcerated.

The sources noted that the SDF has imposed tight security measures in al-Hawl refugee camp and laid it under siege, and said the SDF’s measures come among concerns that the situation is ripe for uprising by the refugees while large groups are seeking to escape from the camp.

They also pointed to the very critical conditions of al-Hawl Camp, acute shortage of foodstuff and drinking water, and said that a large number of al-Hawl residents need urgent treatment available outside the camp.

Hasaka and Deir Ezzur provinces have been the scenes of large-scale protests over recent years concurrent with intensified tensions in SDF-controlled areas.

Source: Farsnews