Iraqi security forces dismantle an Islamic State assassination cell in Diyala
Simultaneously with the eighth anniversary of its foundation, Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or “Al-Hashd Al-Shabi” launched a large-scale operation against the remnants of ISIL terrorists in Iraq’s Diyala province.
In a statement on Wednesday, the Al-Hashd Al-Shabi organization announced that the 22nd Brigade of Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units, with support of the Iraqi army and air force, destroyed the hideouts of ISIL remnants in the Al-Azim District of Diyala Province.
Hashd Al-Shabi has deployed six combat brigades in Diyala province to destroy and counter ISIL terrorists.
In recent months, many top ISIL leaders have been detained or killed during these anti-terrorist operations.
Earlier on Juen 3, media sources reported that 6 dangerous terrorists, whose names were on the black list of terrorists in eastern Iraq, were arrested by Hashd al-Sha’abi forces in Diyala province near Iran’s border.
In December 2017, after nearly three and a half years of fighting with the ISIL terrorist group, which occupied about a third of the country, the Iraqi government announced the liberation of all its territories from the hands of this terrorist group.
The remaining elements of ISIL are still operating in areas of Baghdad, Saladin, Diyala, Kirkuk, Niveneh, and Al Anbar provinces.
Source: Mehr News