Iraqi court sentenced two men to death for joining the Islamic State terrorist group

Iraqi court sentenced two men to death for joining the Islamic State terrorist group

An Iraqi court has sentenced two men to death after finding them guilty of joining the Islamic State group, a judicial council said.

One of them was found implicated in terrorist attacks against security forces near the Baiji oil refinery and the University of Tikrit in the Sunni-majority province of Salahuddin, Baghdad Today website quoted the Supreme Judicial Council as saying in a press statement on Thursday.

The other convict confessed to running a workshop for booby-trapping Islamic State vehicles in 2014, the statement read.

The court rulings were issued pursuant to article no. ¼ of the anti-terrorism law, it added.

Iraq’s anti-terrorism law empowers courts to convict people who are believed to have helped jihadists even if they are not accused of carrying out attacks.

The exact number of detained Islamic State militants is still unknown, however, it’s estimated to be at thousands. It’s also unclear how many members are likely to face death sentences.

The UN, the European Union and international human rights groups always criticize mass killings in Iraq and call for abolishing the death penalty, which was suspended on June 10, 2003, but was reinstated on August 8, 2004.

Source: Iraqi News