IDF, Shin Bet, Border Police map terrorist’s house, arrest suspects

IDF, Shin Bet, Border Police map terrorist’s house, arrest suspects

The IDF, the Shin Bet, and the Border Police arrested 14 suspects and interrogated several others overnight between Tuesday and Wednesday. In addition, security forces mapped the home of one of the terrorists who carried out the shooting attack at the British Police Junction on Sunday.

The house, located in the Atara village, belonged to one of the terrorists who shot and killed an Israeli Arab man from Beit Hanina in Jerusalem.

In addition, 14 suspects altogether were arrested overnight. Two of them were arrested in the Samaria region by IDF reservists, who additionally interviewed other suspects and confiscated weapons, ammunition, and military equipment.

Clashes occured overnight in the operation

Another two were arrested in Tarqumiyah in the Yehuda region, where approximately 100 ready-to-use explosives were destroyed.

The forces faced clashes during the overnight operation, including stone- and explosive-throwing. The forces responded with gunfire and noted that there were injuries inflicted on the opposing side.

Approximately 80 explosives were found buried under roads in Jenin, where two additional suspects were arrested.

Funds intended to finance terrorists and terror operations were confiscated in the Dura village within Hebron as part of the operation, as well.

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