Houthis release video of their new hypersonic ballistic missile Hatem-2

Houthis release video of their new hypersonic ballistic missile Hatem-2

The Houthis have released a video of the new hypersonic ballistic missile “Hatem-2“. According to the description of its characteristics, the rocket was manufactured in Yemen, is powered by solid fuel, and travels at hypersonic speeds.

The MSC Sarah V reported to UKMTO (United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations) yesterday that a missile hit the water near the ship but caused no damage or injuries.

Besides the Houthis’ claim, there is nothing to suggest that this missile is more than an upgraded variant of the Iranian Fateh-110 ballistic missile, and it definitely does not appear to be hypersonic.

Houthi Hatem 2 missile is actually the Iranian Kheibarshekan missile

The Houthi Hatem 2 missile turned out to be suspiciously similar to the Iranian Kheibarshekan (Fortress Destroyer). It appears that the Hatem 2 is either a copy of the Kheibarshekan or has simply been renamed by its new owners.

It is known that the Kheibarshekan was introduced in 2022, with the Iranians making a rather pretentious video about it.

The missile can fly 1,400 kilometers and deliver a half-ton warhead to the target.

The Fortress Destroyer can maneuver in its final trajectory and strike small targets, such as ships.

Source » msn.com