Hossein Hafez Amini
Terror organization: Associate of the IRGC-QF operating as part of a network in Turkey;
Status: A key figure of the IRGC-QF network operating in Turkey and around it, has worked for years with operators from unit 840 of Quds Force;
Role: Amini uses his connections in the aviation industry and his Turkey-based airline, Rey Havacilik Ithalat Ihracat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi (Rey Airlines), to assist the IRGC-QF’s covert operations, including kidnapping and assassination plots targeting Iranian regime dissidents in Turkey. Additionally, Amini has leveraged his Turkey-based network to support the IRGC-QF through aircraft charters and smuggling operations. Amini and Rey Airlines also previously transferred aircraft to Iran’s Pouya Air, an IRGC-affiliated Iranian airline designated since March 2012 for acting for or on behalf of the IRGC-QF;
Location: Turkey, Iran;
Known also as: Hosein Hafez Amini; HAFEMAZAMINI, Huseyin; HAFEZAMINI, Huseyin;
Born: 23 Aug 1969;