Hezbollah school books are teaching anti-Semitism and support for terrorism
School textbooks used in institutions controlled by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah are teaching children “egregious incitement to anti-Semitism and support for terrorism,” according to a report published Thursday by the Anti-Defamation League.
The ADL said it had decided to examine the textbooks given Hezbollah’s growing influence in Lebanon and control over the government. The organization obtained two 6th grade school textbooks published by Mustafa Generation Publishing House and used by Hezbollah-controlled schools.
The books, “Islam is our Message” and “Us and History,” provide a consistently hateful depiction of the Jewish people stretching from ancient times to the present, the ADL said in the report entitled “Teaching Antisemitism and Terrorism in Hezbollah Schools.”
“Judaism is a religion confined to the Jews, the masters of the world and the emperors of the universe, which nobody is entitled to belong to, no matter his station,” states the “From Us and History” book.
“And this is what made them hated and outcast, and perhaps what intensified people’s aversion to them: their unjustness, their arrogance, their greed, and their monopolizing,” it says.
From “Islam is our Message,” in a lesson about 7th century Mizrahi Jews: “Let us take the lesson and the instruction. For the Zionists are the enemies of humanity in the past, present, and future because of their attributes: deceit, treason, treachery, and breaking pacts.”
ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt expressed outrage at the books.
“It is shocking that children from kindergarten on up are being spoon-fed a diet of anti-Semitism, drawing on pernicious canards such as Jews are satanic, the Jews killed Christ, and the Jews are trying to undermine other religions to control the world,” he said.
“These hate-filled ‘lessons’ have no place in any school, but are especially dangerous in Lebanon, where Hezbollah grooms young people to become terrorist ‘martyrs,’” he said.
“While we have long known that Hezbollah uses dehumanizing propaganda to justify violence against Jews, our analysis of these school textbooks shows just how far Hezbollah’s leaders will go to teach children to hate,” said report author David Weinberg.
The ADL called on the US and other countries to sanction the educational institutions linked to Hezbollah.
Hezbollah was formed in the early 1980s with assistance from Iran to counter and harass Israel, which occupied southern Lebanon following the 1982 First Lebanon War.
Over the years — and with ample Iranian training, funding and support — the terror group turned from a small guerrilla outfit that used guns and roadside bombs to kill Israeli troops and Lebanese collaborators, into a more powerful terrorist organization with thousands of simple rockets that it rained down on northern Israel and advanced anti-tank guided missiles that it fired at IDF positions in southern Lebanon.
Iran-backed Hezbollah has been a US-designated terrorist group since 1997 and fights alongside the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the neighboring country’s civil war. It is Tehran’s most potent proxy on the regional scene and also wields significant influence in Lebanese politics.
Source: TOI