Hezbollah Fires 100+ Katyusha Rockets, Targets Israeli Military Bases

Hezbollah Fires 100+ Katyusha Rockets, Targets Israeli Military Bases

The Lebanese group Hezbollah has released a video showing their recent attacks on three Israeli military bases. These bases are in the northern part of the occupied Palestinian territories. The strikes have forced many settlers into shelters, increasing tensions in the area.

Hezbollah said the attacks happened on Sunday. They targeted the Ayelet, Meron, and Nimra bases with over 100 Katyusha rockets. The video was made public on Monday. It shows Hezbollah’s ongoing resistance against Israeli military actions.

The attacks have caused significant damage to the Israeli bases. This has led to a strong response from Israel’s Iron Dome defence system. The Iron Dome is designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells.

Thousands of settlers had to seek shelter due to the attacks. This situation has added to the already high tensions between Hezbollah and Israel. Both sides have a long history of conflict, and these recent events have only made things worse.

Hezbollah’s use of Katyusha rockets is notable. These rockets are known for their simplicity and effectiveness in causing damage over a wide area. The group’s ability to launch such a large number of rockets shows their continued capability and resolve.

The video released by Hezbollah serves as both a warning and a statement of their strength. It highlights their readiness to continue their fight against Israeli forces. This development is likely to lead to further military actions from both sides.

The situation remains tense, with both Hezbollah and Israel preparing for possible further confrontations. The international community is watching closely, as any escalation could have wider implications for the region.

Source » oneindia.com