Hasib Muhammad Hadwan
Terror organization: Hezbollah;
Status: Senior official in Hezbollah’s General Secretariat. He is subordinate to Nasrallah. Top financier to the mechanism of the organization and to Nasrallah itself;
Role: Responsible for raising funds from donors and businesspeople outside of Lebanon;
Location: Middle east and Lebanon;
Known Also As: Hadwan, Hasib; Zayn, Hajj; Zayn, Hajj Mustafa; Zein, Hajj;
Citizenship: Lebanon;
DOB: 1959;
Country: Lebanon;
National ID No.: 2288073 (Lebanon);
Hasib Muhammad Hadwan, also known as Hajj Zayn, is a senior official in Hezbollah’s General Secretariat. He is subordinate to Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, and is responsible for raising funds from donors and businessmen outside Lebanon.
OFAC designated Hassan Nasrallah on May 16, 2018, pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, as the leader of Hezbollah.
Hasib Muhammad Hadwan is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, Hezbollah.