Hamas terrorist group reveals Tel Aviv attack methodology
An Islamic attack was carried out by Israeli Arab Muhammad Mafarja on November 21, 2012 on Line 142 in Tel Aviv, using a bomb pre-positioned in the bus. The attack wounded 28 civilians, including three in critical condition.
The al-Qassam Brigades website, the military arm of Hamas, published for the first time the organization’s version regarding the attack.
According to Hamas, the decision to carry out the attack was made after the assassination of Ahmad al-Jabri, commander of al-Qassam Brigades, during Operation Defensive Shield.
The cell entrusted with the attack included Ahmad Saleh Ahmad Musa (commander of the cell from the village of Beit Likiya), Muhammad Rabah Assi (from the village of Beit Likiya) and Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rafar from Farja (from the city of Taibeh in Israel).
Prior to this attack, the cell tried to carry out an attack in Sha’ar Binyamin. Musa and Assi entered the area disguised as residents, but due to security circumstances they refrained from carrying out the attack.
After receiving instructions from the top Hamas leaders, Musa assembled the 17 kg explosive device and the remote-operated mechanism. Assi was in Musa’s company during the explosive device’s assemblage.
On the day of the attack, from Farja they hid the explosive device in a suitcase in Assi’s car. At a certain point on the way from Farja, they switched to driving another car and drove from the Modiin area to Tel Aviv with the explosive device in his suitcase.
From Farjah he got on and off two Israeli buses because they did not have many passengers. He then boarded bus number 142, placed the suitcase under the third bench on the right side of the bus and sent a signal to Musa to activate the charge remotely. Musa called from Beit Likya to the phone that was part of the cargo detonation mechanism.
Source: The Jewish Voice