Canadian government welcomes back ISIS terrorists
Around 190 Canadians have left their country to fight for the self-proclaimed Islamic State and other terrorist groups. And they might receive a warm welcome if they get homesick. According to documents obtained by Global News in May, the administration of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau believes these terrorists have a “right to return” to Canada.
A brief prepared for Canadian Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale reveals that not only does the Trudeau administration believe these terrorists have a “right to return,” but the government believes it must facilitate their re-assimilation into Canadian society. The brief asserts that while returnees may have broken laws by participating in international terrorism, they “may now be disillusioned with the cause” and no longer pose a threat to society. The document also maintains that because they may lack evidence to bring charges against defectors, the government must “mitigate the threat through efforts outside the justice system.”
Enter the Orwellian-sounding “High Risk Returnee Interdepartmental Task Force.”
This multidepartment bureaucratic behemoth partners with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in an aggressive campaign to “support” and “open up dialogue” with returning terrorists and their families. Approximately 60 terrorists have already returned to Canada, in addition to the 190 still fighting abroad in places like Syria and Iraq.
Trudeau was criticized for his stance on the issue when he recently compared the return of ISIS operatives to the settlement of Italian families in Montreal after World War ii. It was recently revealed that his government also altered intelligence documents that warned of the chemical weapons threat posed by returning ISIS members.
Trudeau’s administration believes it is important to devote significant time, money and political capital to coddle admittedly “high-risk” takfiri (jihadists) who have declared war on Western values (including liberalism), to compare them to post-war Italian families, to censor intelligence documents, to attract inevitable controversy, and to subject his fellow Canadians to whatever these Islamic extremists might choose to do to them—instead of just allowing the normal procedure of arresting, trying and punishing deadly international terrorists to proceed. This appears to be worth it for Trudeau to gain credibility as a progressive who will stop at almost nothing.
How would you describe 21st-century Canada? How would you describe a government so willing to tolerate, accommodate and welcome the worst, most dangerous and most violent of its residents? And how would you describe a population that elected and tolerates or embraces such a government?
Faint of heart. Canada’s current government and its people are faint of heart: uncertain of their own purpose and cause, unwilling to stand up against evil, unable to promote anything but extreme “tolerance.”
Source: Abna24