France’s top terrorism expert: “It’s not Islam that drives young Europeans to jihad”
Olivier Roy, one of Frances top experts on Islamic terrorism, tells Haaretz how assailants like Salman Abedi in Manchester turn into ‘new radicals’ who crave death.
Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber who killed 22 people at a Manchester pop concert this week, started life advantageously enough: to parents who had fled Gadhafis Libya for a new life in Britain. But actually it was that kind of dislocation that would send him off kilter two decades later, says Olivier Roy, one of Frances top experts on Islamic terrorism.
An estimated 60 percent of those who espouse violent jihadism in Europe are second-generation Muslims who have lost their connection with their country of origin and have failed to integrate into Western societies, Roy says.
They are subject to a process of deculturation that leaves them ignorant of and detached from both the European society and the one of their origins. The result, Roy argues, is a dangerous identity vacuum in which violent extremism thrives.
Born in Britain in 1994, Abedi would later be drawn to violent fundamentalism after a life in limbo. On the one hand, he tried to reconnect with Libya, where he traveled shortly before this weeks attack, while on the other, he strove to emulate the same British young people he killed.
Unlike second generations like Abedis, third generations are normally better integrated in the West and dont account for more than 15 percent of homegrown jihadis, Roy says. Converts, who also have an approach to Islam decontextualized from any culture, account for about 25 percent of those who fall prey to violent fundamentalism.
Its a pattern that can be traced from second-generation Khaled Kelkal, Frances first homegrown jihadi in 1995, to the Kouachi brothers who attacked satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris in 2015. The rule also applies to foreign fighters such as Sabri Refla, the Belgian-born son of a Moroccan father and a Tunisian mother who left for Syria at 18 after espousing an Islam completely unrelated to our background, says his grieving mother Saliha Ben Ali.
With little if any understanding of religion or Islamic culture, young people like Abedi turn to terrorism out of a suicidal instinct and a fascination for death, Roy says. This key element is exemplified by the jihadi slogan first coined by Osama bin Laden: “We love death like you love life.
The large majority of Al-Qaida and Islamic State jihadis, including the Manchester attacker Abedi, commit suicide attacks not because it makes sense strategically from a military perspective or because its consistent with the Salafi creed, Roy says. These attacks dont weaken the enemy significantly, and Islam condemns self-immolation as interference with Gods will. These kids seek death as an end-goal in itself.
In his recent book Jihad and Death: The Global Appeal of Islamic State,” Roy argues that about 70 percent of these young people have scant knowledge of Islam, and suggests they are radical before even choosing Islam. He dubs them born again Muslims who lead libertine lives before their sudden conversion to violent fundamentalism.
Its the Islamification of radicalism that we need to investigate, not the radicalization of Islam, Roy says, begging the question of why radical youths would choose violent fundamentalist Islam over other destructive creeds to engage in terrorism.
These new radicals embrace the Islamic States narrative as its the only radical narrative available in the global market of fundamentalist ideologies, Roy says. In the past they would have been drawn, for example, to far-left political extremism. Half of violent jihadis in France, Germany and the United States also have criminal records for petty crime, just like Abedi, who appears to have been radicalized without the involvement of the local mosque or religious community, an element that mirrors patterns in the rest of Europe.
According to Roy, while ultraconservative Salafi Islam is certainly a problem its followers object to the basic values underpinning a tolerant and secular Western society it shouldnt be conflated with violent extremism. And when evaluating the origins of young men like Abedi, one shouldnt overstate the role of Muslim revanchism in the developing world, a political strand feeding on the Wests colonial legacy and interventionism in the Middle East.
Had he been concerned about acts of Western imperialism, he would have mentioned the British attack in Libya in 2012, making his act political in one way or another, Roy says.
Abedi was very much part of the British youth culture he attacked, he killed himself as part of that society, Roy says from his office in Florence, where hes a professor at the European University Institute. Had he been imbued with Islamic culture and bent toward the ambition of establishing an Islamic state in the Middle East, he would have probably not have known about pop singer Ariana Grande, Roy notes, adding that he would have traveled to Syria or Libya instead.
If comments by French Interior Minister Grard Collomb are confirmed, Abedi will join the long list of returning jihadis who have struck in Europe after fighting in Syria. But Roy also notes some positive news: Hundreds of foreign fighters from Europe are seeking a safe return to Europe by turning themselves in to their embassies in Turkey, according to the Italian press.
This means they dont have the suicidal instincts characterizing terrorists like Abedi, Roy says, though he warns that the hegemony of secularism and the rejection of all forms of religiosity in the West have created a spiritual vacuum that can be a breeding ground for fundamentalism.
Source: Haaretz