France put ‘on alert’ as Israel warns the ‘Iranians are planning terrorist attacks’ on the Olympics

France put ‘on alert’ as Israel warns the ‘Iranians are planning terrorist attacks’ on the Olympics

Officials in Paris have placed France “on alert” following the “coordinated” arson attacks on the high speed rail lines.

French Minister have warned that the country is on guard as the Olympic Games are underway in Paris.

Specialist anti-terrorist forces have launched an investigation into the arson attacks, the Transport Minister Patrice Vergriete confirmed the country is “on alert.”

Snipers are positioned on rooftops, drones are being used in Paris and there is 2,000 private security agents, 10,000 soldiers and 45,000 police officers.

Israel warned officials in Paris that Iran is “planning terrorist attacks” in the French capital which will be aimed at Israeli Olympic athletes and all “participants.”

Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz has said that the “sabotage” was in fact “planned and executed under the influence of Iran’s axis of evil and radical Islam.”

Katz added, “As I warned my French counterpart Stephane Sejourne this week, based on information held by Israel, Iranians are planning terrorist attacks against the Israeli delegation and all Olympic participants.

“Increased preventive measures must be taken to thwart their plot. The free world must stop Iran now – before it’s too late.”

French caretaker Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said the intelligence services are on the ground and will “find and punish those behind these criminal acts.”

However, on Friday the former French ambassador to Moscow has warned that France is under “attack” and that the country is in a situation of conflict with “Russia.”

France’s former ambassador to Moscow Jean de Gliniasty told French news outlet LCI, “We are obviously in a situation of conflict with Russia – and Russia is obviously not going to do anything, and that’s an understatement, to help these Olympic Games be a success.”

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