FPJ Exclusive: Maha ATS Finds Terror Kit For Making IEDs, Pistols In ISIS Terror Module Case
In a shocking discovery, the investigation into the ISIS Maharashtra terror module case has revealed that the foreign handlers shared a do it yourself (DIY) kit among the arrested suspects.
Besides radicalising material, the kit contained information on how to fabricate Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and manufacture small weapons such as pistols. It describes in detail how material for making such arms can be collected and utilised.
Foreign Guidance in Darkness
The DIY kit was discovered by the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad, which later shared the finding with the National Investigation Agency (NIA) after the latter took over the probe.
Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a high-ranking official said the kit also contains provoking material which instigates to carry out lone-wolf attacks.
As per official sources, it ‘encourages’ recruits not to depend on others for their terror activities. Instead, it asks them to take personal initiative and carry out their mission independently.
Crafting Stealthy Commitment
Additionally, the kit instructs them to maintain a low profile to avoid detection by agencies. The recruits are asked to lead a seemingly ordinary life while staying committed to the IS mission.
As per the kit, they are not supposed to disclose their ISIS identity even to family members, but they should keep striving to motivate others to follow the same path.
The tool also gives tips on creation of media which can be used for radicalisation purposes. Such content was also published in ‘Voice of Hind’, a magazine related to a terror outfit.
Besides the kit, the NIA found suspicious emails exchanged between the arrested suspects and ISIS caliph. According to the virtual communications, they swore allegiance to the caliph and promised to follow his path.
Source » msn.com