Former CIA official warns America what she thinks is coming
Last month, former CIA intelligence official Sarah Adams warned conservatives about potential terror attacks.
Appearing on podcaster Shawn Ryan’s show, Adams began by revealing that there are at least 1,000 Al Qaeda-trained terrorists in the country who’re sitting idly by waiting to attack.
“Al Qaeda says they trained and deployed 1,000 for this attack,” she said. “First off, I think there’s more than 1,000 Al Qaeda members in the United States. But for the homeland attack, that number is based on what Al Qaeda is saying, so they could exaggerate it.”
She later specified what sorts of places the terrorists intended to target.
“So Al Qaeda’s preference, as you can imagine, is symbols of the US or anything that causes economic damage,” she said. “[The] Capital is a great symbol. … I feel like bridges or any kind of public transportation always matters because it puts cost against us, and it causes fear.”
But, she added, other terrorists — particularly ISIS terrorists — may prefer to pick locations based more so on how many people are there.
“The ISIS guy might go down the metro and say, I don’t there’s not many people down here,” she explained. “I’ll kill 20, but there’s an event going on, I’m gonna go up there. Because ISIS is a little different. ISIS just wants mass casualty.”
In another clip, Adams spoke about how Al Qaeda and ISIS are trying to “coordinate” their attacks both here and in Europe, though she admitted she wasn’t sure what they mean by “coordinate.”
“So they want them coordinated,” she said. “I don’t know if coordinated means all at the same time or if coordinated means we do it Monday, we do it Tuesday, we do it Wednesday, we do it Thursday, we do it Friday, we just do 5 straight days.”
“So but they want it coordinated. What’s coordinated mean? And the other argument we have, does coordinated also mean US and Europe at the same time? And is Europe all coordinated at the same time? So when they said coordinated, we don’t know exactly what that means. So they could also be US and Europe at the same time, which is complicated,” she added.
Adams then moved on to talk about how these terrorists are trained to fight until they’re killed.
“So I was watching this video, and it was a suicide bombing in Kabul years ago,” she said. “And it was … the bomber blew up, okay, and then everyone starts moving in, the first responders move in, right, And then another guy walks in and blows up. We know this is a tactic, right? But Americans don’t understand this is a tactic and don’t understand these attackers are gonna fight to the death.”
“So battle’s going on, the attacker surrenders, [but] he might have a suicide vest, you know. That man is gonna fight to the death. That man came to die. He’s gonna fight till he dies or you die, so we can’t let our guards down, and they know our weakness. So we have to be very careful that we don’t have more people die in the second and third order effects of not knowing their intent,” she added.
And lastly, she shared how confident she was that attacks would occur in 2025. FYI, as of Jan. 2nd, 2025, two attacks had already occurred — one of them definitely by an ISIS affiliate, and the other yet unknown.
“I’m certain we’ll either have, embassy attacks in 2025 or the homeland attack or both,” she said.
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