Five Somali soldiers and 47 Al-Shabaab militants killed north of Mogadishu

Five Somali soldiers and 47 Al-Shabaab militants killed north of Mogadishu

The Somali government announced that five soldiers were killed in an Al-Shabaab attack approximately 350 kilometers north of Mogadishu. The government stated that its forces received intelligence about a planned attack in the Seldir area and set up an ambush for the militants.

During the ensuing clashes in the Galgadud region, north of the capital, at least 47 Al-Shabaab militants were killed alongside the five soldiers, according to government authorities.

Airstrikes were also conducted against Al-Shabaab positions, with the group claiming responsibility for the assault.

Local resident, Mohamed Hussein reported to AFP, “There was intense fighting in Seldir this morning after Al-Shabaab attacked from multiple directions. Initially, it was challenging to determine control, but now it is clear that Somali government forces have the upper hand.”

Another resident, Hassan Goutali, described the situation, noting, “There were at least six powerful explosions and several hours of fighting.”

Following his election in May 2022, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud pledged a “total war” against Al-Shabaab.

Despite being ousted from major cities between 2011 and 2012, the militant group remains active in vast rural areas of central and southern Somalia, where they continue to target security, political, and civilian entities.

A military offensive launched by the army and clan militias in August 2022, supported by U.S. airstrikes and the African Union force (ATMIS), regained significant territory before losing momentum in recent months. Al-Shabaab has been conducting counter-attacks in these reclaimed areas.

On May 26, 2023, Al-Shabaab attacked a base in Bulo Marer, occupied by Ugandan soldiers from the African Union force, resulting in the deaths of at least 54 soldiers according to Ugandan authorities.

Additionally, on October 29, 2022, Mogadishu witnessed the deadliest attack in five years when two car bombs exploded, killing 121 people and injuring 333 others.

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