Fifty members of Islamic State surrender in Nangarhar
Dr. Bashir, Nangarhar’s intelligence chief, says those who surrendered will no longer fight against the government and will conditionally be granted the terms of the Amir al-Momenin amnesty decree.
“50 members of Daesh who acted under the name of the Kharijites and threatened the security of Afghanistan have given up their past activities and have come here,” he said.
Meanwhile, tribal elders warn that those who join Daesh in the province will have their houses set on fire.
“These people are remorseful for their past actions, and are brought here by the elders of the tribes, they told us that they will not repeat this mistake again,” said Ghulam Ali, the elder of the tribe.
“Whoever does such actions must leave the province, and no one will sit or stand with him,” said an elder of the tribe.
The surrendered people say they have fought against the Islamic Emirate in eight districts of Nangarhar.
“We are regretful of our actions, and we support the Islamic Emirate,” said Pesarlai, a surrendered member of Daesh.
Based on the numbers of the Nangarhar Intelligence Directorate, in the past five months more than 500 Daesh fighters have surrendered to the Islamic Emirate.
Source: Tolo News