Female suicide bombers become ISIS’s last weapon in Mosul
The ISIL terrorist group has resorted to using women suicide bombers in a last ditch effort to slow down the pace of the Iraqi army advances in Mosul, local Arab media outlets said quoting security sources.
The source told the Arabic language al-Soumeriya news that the ISIL has released footages of its operations in al-Huwaijeh city in Southwestern Kirkuk, admitting that it uses female suicide bombers in its last bases in Mosul to prevent the Iraqi security forces’ advance.
The source also said that the ISIL has named the couples who carry out suicide operations against the security forces as ‘heavenly couples’.
Earlier this week, an Iraqi TV station captured the moment before a suspected female ISIL suicide bomber blew herself – and the baby – up near Iraqi troops.
She had apparently tried to detonate an explosives vest hidden under her hijab as she passed the soldiers, but it failed to go off until she had walked some distance away, a cameraman for al-Mawsleya TV said.
She was killed along with her child, while two soldiers and several civilians were injured.
The station had been filming the battle between Iraqi troops and the ISIL terrorists and did not realize what they had caught on camera until they reviewed their footage later.
Source: Farsnews