Escaped Yazidi sex slave tells to the Congress about the horrors she survived under ISIS
A former ISIS sex slave urged Congress Tuesday to more aggressively fight the terror group and offered her condolences for the massacre in Orlando, saying she’s not surprised by it.
Nadia Murad, a Yazidi who escaped captivity in 2014, told the Senate Homeland Security committee that “the USA must act. We must terminate Daesh (ISIS) and all such terror.”
“Daesh will not give up their weapons unless we force them to give up their weapons,” she testified, with the assistance of a translator. “The Yazidi people cannot wait.” She also expressed her condolences for the attack in Orlando that left 49 dead but said she was not surprised it happened.
“I knew if ISIS were not stopped, they would deliver their crimes everywhere,” she told lawmakers.
Speaking about the Middle East’s Christians, Yazidis, and other minorities, she warned that “if they are not protected they will be wiped out.”Yazidis are ethnically Kurdish members of an ancient religion who live mostly in Iraq.