Elsio Ramku
Born: 1989;
Place of Birth: Albania;
Gender: Male;
Nationality: Albanian;
General Info:
Elsio Ramku is an Albanian man who have lived in Italy for many years with idea of plotting Islamic State-inspired terror attack in Italy.
Ramku worked as a municipal employee at the technical office in Bari.
Wiretaps founded by the Italian authorities show that Ramku was showing hatred for the West in conversations about Ukraine (which is said was a target of Western gas ambitions), and COVID-19 which he said was a “minuscule soldier of Allah, sent to Earth to punish the unbelief of the westerners”.
Italian police said that Ramku exchanged videos and documents of Islamic State terrorist group on Telegram, calling for holy war.
Also, Ramku funded a jihadi imam in Albania with radical Islamic beliefs.