Egypt sentences 14 terrorirsts to life in jail for forming the ISIS students cell

Egypt sentences 14 terrorirsts to life in jail for forming the ISIS students cell

An Egyptian court sentenced on Monday 14 people to prison, in terms ranging from three to 25 years for joining the ISIS group in Syria and Iraq.

The Giza Criminal Court sentenced 11 people to life sentence, which is 25 years in jail in Egypt, and another three received three to 15 years in jail.

The defendants were accused of receiving training to carry out hostile operations in Egypt, in the case known as “ISIS Students Cell.”

Between 2016 and 2018, one of the suspects established and led a terrorist group, calling for violating the constitution and laws, preventing state institutions and public authorities from carrying out their work, attacking people’s personal freedom and public rights and freedoms and harming national unity and social peace.

Another defendant was accused of inciting another to commit terrorist crimes.

Other defendants were accused of receiving physical and military training while one was accused of training them to commit terrorist crimes in the country.

They “used Facebook in their correspondence about their whereabouts and movements inside the country and abroad,” said investigators.

Meanwhile, the Eastern Military Court sentenced nine defendants to death, 19 to life in prison, four to 10 years and four to five to seven years on charges of carrying out attacks against 155 targets, including officers, police personnel and detectives and bombing diplomatic and security installations using booby-trapped vehicles.

Source: Aawsat