Dozens of ISIS members killed in Western Anbar raids
Dozens of ISIS militants were killed when Iraqi army warplanes targeted militants’ gatherings in Western Anbar, security sources said.
The sources said that army jets bombarded Wadi al-Qathef region when tens of group members were rallying preparing for an attack on army forces. They said the raid left dozens of militants dead, including foreign nationals, Iraqi News reported.
Since ISIS militants took over large areas of Iraq and Syria to estalbish a self-proclaimed “rule” in 2014, Iraqi government forces, backed by mobilization forces, launched a wide-scale campaign to retake those regions.
So far, the offensives managed to retake Mosul, the group’s former capital, the town of Tal Afar, Kirkuk’s Hawija and Anbar’s Annah.
The only regions that currently remain under ISIL’s territorial influence are Anbar’s towns of Rawa and Qaim. Reports are telling of running preparations for invading the two regions. If recaptured, that will mark a practical end to ISIL’s control in Iraq.
Local authorities and human rights agencies believe ISIL members are holding tens of thousands of civilians in Western Anbar as future human shields, having killed hundreds for attempting to escape.
Source: Farsnews