New directives from ISIS “financial department” to restrict the sale and purchase of gold exlusively to its dirham and dinar currencies
In the Syrian city of Al-Mayadinin Deirez-Zor Governorate, ISIS recently issued a decision to restrict the sale and purchase of gold exclusively to its silver dirham and golden dinar currencies. It has threatened to arrest any merchant who violates this order and stand him on trial in ISIS courts.
The new decision was conveyed verbally to the gold dealers in Al-Mayadin. According to Ahmed al-Dairi, a local gold dealer, merchants set the selling price of one gram of gold at 13.48 silver dirhams while the purchase price was set at 13.18 silver dirhams. Meanwhile, the price of a single gram of gold came to 18,800 Syrian pounds ($36).
The same source confirmed that at the beginning of the current month, ISIS disbursed the salaries of its militants in Al-Mayadin and Al-Bukamal in its dirham currency, in a measure aimed at expanding its use.
Source: /Almodon