ISIS sex slave describes horrifying scenes and say that she was forced to do things that were disgusting
Depraved ISIS thugs are little more than serial rapists who claim sex assault is a byproduct of implementing teachings of the Qur’an.
The grisly details are laid out in a new report by Nikita Malik called, “Trafficking Terror: How Modern Slavery and Sexual Violence Fund Terrorism.”
In it, a Yazidi survivor describes how ISIS henchman would line up young girls against walls before groping their chests.
“If they had breasts, they could be raped; if not, they would wait three months to check again,” Victim 1 said, according to an interview cited in the report.
The girls – many of them minors – were raped together in rooms as children looked on, she said after finally eluding ISIS’ grip.
Victim 1 also described how she was raped by six ISIS guards one night after attempting to flee.
“She was raped in every place possible,” the report reads. “She was forced to do things that were disgusting to her and they kept her without clothes in this room so that anybody could come at any time and rape her.”
Yazidi women were told by brainwashed ISIS brides that they needed to be raped to become fully Muslim, according to the report.
They were often sold, but lost monetary value the more times they were purchased by men in Iraq and Syria.
The report also describes how sexual depravity continues to act as a pull factor for prospective terrorists
“Sexual slavery serves as an incentive for new recruits and foreign fighters, with the promise of wives and sex slaves.” writes Malik.
The Henry Jackson Society reports human trafficking brought Islamic terrorist groups upwards of $30 million last year.
It’s believed ISIS could turn to kidnapping and sex slavery as a means to sustain itself as its shrinking caliphate continues to crumble.
Source: Canoe